Tagged: Work

In English, Can’t be perfect


Why is learning English so hard?

到底學習英文有何難? 為什麼我學了英文這麼久,看到外國人需要開口說英文就會感到害怕;閱讀英文文章時還是一知半解的…想到要出國旅行,深造, 或是海外求職, 這些規畫都因為自己的英文程度一直沒有進步而裹足不前,為什麼我的英文學習之路如此困難?

How To Learn English By Myself?

In my over 15 years of English language instruction, I’ve met a total of three people who had very proficient speaking and listening abilities without a single minute spent in a classroom or paying for online learning/tutoring.