Category: Business English



找工作 看到英文門檻就放棄?

根據《2018 年台灣大型企業人才國際化及外語職能管理調查報告》指出,在所有受訪企業有 51.8% 的員工會在職務上使用到英語。顯示愈來愈多企業將英語納入求職必要條件,其中又以多益成績證明最被廣納接受,若是應徵高階主管職位,多益更是從 684 提高到 726。台灣每年有 40 萬的多益考生,

Why is English important (at work)?

Improving your English is not just a good idea, it is now a must. We must improve our Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening. I walked into an office in Taiwan a couple of years ago. Like usually I slipped by the security desk with a simple “我上課” (Wǒ shàngkè Translation: I have an English class). I am guided to the 7th floor and to a conference room ready to begin class with the Branch Manager, all without anyone greeting me, asking me any question, or even making eye contact with me.

What is Team Coaching?

I have been a bad teacher. I have been lying to you and so has every teacher you have ever met. There is a big problem being a coach – trainer – teacher – or whatever you want to call my job. The lie is that teachers want to help you be the best you can be; that they want to teach you so much so that you can excel in your job, get a good grade, or pass some test.