How to find the perfect candidate for your company

We previously discussed how to prepare when you are a candidate for a job interview in English. But what can you do as an employer? You need to reflect on your company culture and make the necessary changes both at the top and ground level on how your organization, small company, or firm deals with the following issues:

  • Office vs Work-from-home schedule. Is it only office? Is hybrid work an option? Is total remote working possible? Are work times flexible or semi-flexible?
  • What kind of investment does your company do in terms of people development and training of new skills? How often is training given? Who is able to receive it? What kind of training is available? If available, what channels or platforms is it accessible?
  • How will managers track results and maintain communication with team members and staff if they are working remotely in different places? How can middle managers manage better in a remote work or hybrid work environment?
  • What health benefits (mental and physical) or other company perks are provided?
  • What resources (technology, budget, etc.) are available to create engaged and motivated employees? How do you create team chemistry, trust and camaraderie if everyone is working in different locations?

10 Great questions to ask a top candidate

Instead of asking the routine job interview questions, throw in some of these:

  1. Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn’t find in your resume/CV.
  2. Why do you think are you suitable for this opportunity?
  3. Speak about some of your coworker and previous boss relationships. How would you describe them? How do you think they would describe you?
  4. What are your personal goals in the next 1-3 years? What is something we, as an organization, can help provide to help you achieve your personal goals?
  5. When a conflict happens at work, how do you handle it? Give us an example.
  6. Talk about an important situation or problem you solved.
  7. Describe your ideal workspace or manager.
  8. How would your prior and past work experiences help you in this job/position?
  9. What is something you want to do differently here than what you did in your last job?
  10. What soft skills could you improve on? What kind of training classes would you most like to take?

Discovery questions for top candidates

Find out how the job candidate would deal with day-to-day job details and problems with real world examples from the position or your company:

  • Describe how you run your meetings / make a sales pitch / present to your manager / deal with team conflicts / communicate with a difficult vendor or customer
  • How would you deal with…?
  • If …happened, what would you do?
  • For example, your line manager requested you to… but…. How would you deal with that?
  • One of our most common issues is… What is your approach to dealing with this?
  • A major concern our clients have is… How would you ease their concerns?

Recruiters! Make sure to prepare in case you get asked these questions

In 2022 employees have a lot more power and choices. Be ready to answer the questions candidates may ask you about the following:

  • Schedule flexibility and remote/WFH options.
  • Salary transparency. Are salaries public knowledge within the company? Are salaries competitive compared to others in the market? Is pay fair and reasonable between men and women, or between two people in the same department and in the same position?
  • Diversity & Inclusion. Are there people in the organization who are safely and openly LGBTQIA+? Are minority groups represented in leadership positions? Is there a diverse mix of people from different backgrounds on the same team?
  • Performance Review Transparency. How is success evaluated and measured? How does someone get promoted and what quantifiable units are used to measure if someone is successful at their job? Are these measurements made transparent company-wide? Are there opportunities to transfer overseas and work abroad for a period of time? Are there job rotations within the company? How are performance reviews conducted and measured, and is the appraisal process transparent and open?


I’ve been both an employee and job candidate looking for work before, and I’ve also been a boss searching and interviewing candidates. In my experience in both roles, I can say we all (both employer and employee) must be very aware of the realities of the job market:

  • Understand that this process is all about timing. The perfect opportunity, perfect person, or perfect fit doesn’t exist. There are however, people and organizations with potential that can develop into great talents or great places to work, that can develop a growth mindset and a people-centered culture, and that can eventually work its way toward being a Dream job or employee. That means having to make concessions on all the things you wanted in a job or candidate, be flexible enough to change job expectations and requirements, and take some risk by hiring potential over experience.  
  • If you are an individual looking for work and are in-between jobs, spend time (and money) investing in soft skills (i.e., public speaking, coaching, facilitation, leadership, time management, etc.). During interviews, make sure to dress the part no matter if it is face-to-face or online. Have several stories you can pull from to highlight your accomplishments.
  • If you are a company looking for suitable candidates, make changes internally that impact the people culture, invest in your middle management team’s actual management and coaching skills, and create a culture of accountability starting at the top. Win over potential candidates by creating a work environment where learning & development is prioritized, relevant, and given to those who really want it. Change your hiring practices and the way you do interviews, and give some flexibility and space to employees who want to try new ways of working.   

There is a lot that goes into landing a job or employee (let alone a dream/perfect one) and it’s never easy finding the right fit. However, start by doing something simple yet actionable, like re-arranging your interview style and questions, and you might be surprised at how the new opportunities and potential talent develop.

Want to practice with a professional coach?

There are many types of interviews such as face to face, 1 on 1, or even group interviews. Join our webinar to find out tips and strategies for giving great job interviews and passing job interviews.

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