Prepping for Job Interview Questions

The Great Resignation

In 2021, there were a record number of people leaving their employers in what has been labeled “The Great Resignation.” Due to the fatigue of the pandemic and WFH, many people were re-thinking their priorities, looking for better work-life balance and opting out of their jobs. They’re either searching for better opportunities with companies that provide more than just a stable salary, or they’re deciding to try their hand at starting their own businesses or becoming a freelancer.

None of these examples, in my opinion, are negative trends but simply changes in the market; where now the employer is at a disadvantage because they are looking for qualified people when they no longer exist, no longer available, or no longer view the company as attractive enough to work for. It is a market where individuals have much more options of places to apply for.

What can the potential employee do in a job market with so many choices? It starts with something simple: practice answering both common and behavioral interview question types.

So What Can I Do?

Let’s start with the individual who might be searching for a job in a crowded market with lots of possible job opportunities. First off, update your resume and LinkedIn profile, make it attractive and concise, and focus your sentences on achievements rather than listing a bunch of responsibilities. When setting up an interview, be ready to do it either face-to-face and online. Role play and practice both formats because you will come across differently in person and on screen. The impression you leave face-to-face is different from the one you leave on a screen.  

The Most Common Job Interview Questions

Be ready to answer these very common questions. Most of the time, these questions will pop up in a job interview:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do you want to leave your current job? Why did you leave your previous job?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why are you looking for work now?  What motivates you?
  • What are your goals in the next _____ (3 years)? Where do you see yourself in 2-3 years?
  • What is your greatest achievement?
  • What kind of work environment/culture do you prefer?
  • What contributions do you think you can bring in the first 3-6 months? 1 year?
  • What kind of management style suits you? Which management style do you work well with?

Behavioral Questions need stories

Also have some examples, anecdotes (personal stories) to help answer these types of questions:

  • Give me an example of when you failed, made a mistake or the result didn’t go according to plan. How did you handle it? What did you learn from this experience?
  • Give an example of when you were working in a team? What was your role? How did you lead? What did you do when a team member wasn’t meeting their responsibilities? Tell me about a time you disagreed with someone from the group.
  • Tell me about a time you had to work under pressure with a strict deadline. How do you deal with adversity or a setback? Give an example of a time you had to complete many different projects given a short deadline.
  • Explain your relationship with your previous manager? How would you describe your relationship with your line manager/direct reports?
  • Tell me about a time when you improved a process or came up with a creative solution.
  • Describe a situation in which you influenced or motivated others.
  • How do you go about solving problems? What is your thought process when faced with a stressful or unfamiliar problem?
  • Tell me about a time you adapted to an unfamiliar situation. Give an example of when you had to make a big change in a project or role. How did you deal with this change?
  • Give me an example of when you had to correct someone else’s mistake. Describe a time when you had to improve something after receiving criticism.

Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

And have a few questions in mind ready to ask the potential employer:

  1. What are your/the manager’s expectations for me in this job in the first 6-12 months? What are three things you would need me to accomplish in the first year? How do you evaluate success in this role?
  2. What have past employees done to succeed in this position? What qualities are most important for succeeding here?
  3. How would you describe your company’s culture?
  4. What do you personally like most or find most challenging about working for this organization?
  5. What does a regular day look like in this role?
  6. How do you support and develop your staff professionally? What kind of training does the company provide?
  7. Why did the previous person leave this role?
  8. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications or experience?
  9. Is there anything else I can do or provide to help you make your decision?
May be an image of text that says 'Today Russ~! get the offer~! can't believe did it! have decided to go to that company, but it's so hard to tell taught me. Yeah!'
年前Russ老師很興奮的宣布他學生歷經2輪高難度的面試,正式拿到高階經理人合約!! 這位同學跟著老師上了4堂線上面試準備課程,少了body language協助,Russ老師模擬各種情境以及指導如何透過鏡頭專業展現自我,真的很開心同學最終取得甜美果實🥳


Having worked as an Executive Search Consultant (aka “Headhunter”), I understand how important the interview is. It’s the one opportunity you get to make a great first impression and really put yourself in a position to be in high demand. When you’re wanted by one or two companies, that’s great, but when 10 companies are all vying for you, that’s when you know your value in the market.

Need Some Real Practice?

I’ve shared some of the questions to help you prepare, but want to know how to answer them effectively? Contact me and get some real practice and feedback. I’ll help you craft the best responses that avoids generic answers and that can showcase your uniqueness.

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